
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

my favorite DIY tools

Everybody knows that having the right tool for the job makes the job easier.

Here's a run down of the tools that have made our DIYing much easier, and are versatile enough to make our favorite DIY Must Haves:

Top Four DIY Must Have Tools

Monday, September 9, 2013

seasonal snickerdoodles

Alright, these are in honor of my newest sister-in-law, Jen, the Jenerator. She loves snickerdoodles. According to her, she could eat the whole batch! She loves 'em.

One of my favorite things to do is to take a well-loved classic and adapt it up for the season. That's exactly what these seasonal snickerdoodles provide -a taste of the holidays.

With just a simple swap of cinnamon to pumpkin pie spice, these cookies are ready to hold their own against any fall and winter treat. . .

and leave you wondering why you never thought of this tiny tweak before.

Monday, September 2, 2013

chewy caramel butter bars

My mother-in-law understands my long-standing love of baking. A few years back she gave me this  recipe book which is wholly dedicated to baking ooey-gooey, yummy treats -and this little guy's number finally came up.

If you don't like caramel, shortbread, or nuts, this butter bar is not for you.

I love these  Gooey Chewy Caramel Butter Bars. They were easy to make and man, they were good!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

top five {august}

I can't believe August is over already! It seems like summer just started. And with our late out of school date, it kinda did. But we managed to squeeze in lots of fun before we have to slip back into our school schedule!

Just in case you missed one, here are my top five posts from August:
1) Broccoli Salad
this make ahead side dish is yummy, easy, and perfect for fall while broccoli is in season!

2) Cookies and Cream Cheesecakes
these cheesecake cupcakes are dangerously good!

3) Why I Got My Kids a Pet
learn about some of the benefits of pet ownership for children.

4) DIY Must Have Reference Books
have a home repair or improvement question? these books have you covered!

5) Ice Cream Sandwich Cake
this cheater's ice cream cake uses ice cream sandwiches, a gooey layer of chocolate fudge, and your choice of nuts or candy!

A special thank you to my readers! Thank you for stopping and reading my blog. I appreciate all your comments and for joining me on this journey as we take baby steps towards updating, renovating, and decorating our little yellow cape.

Thanks for reading,

What was your favorite post?