
Monday, May 21, 2012

spring cleaning and spray painting

It was a busy weekend.

I've been on a spring cleaning-decluttering-purging mission over here. Even though I do it annually, I always find a couple small garbage bags full of stuff to donate each year. This year on the chopping block was the princess dress up attire, the magical Cinderella princess vanity, the play kitchen, along with a bunch of paper back books, and outgrown  or I-refuse-to-wear-that-kid clothes.

This is also one of the few summers that we aren't moving. How novel. Usually this season, I'm busy packing up our things to move. I have to say, its a pretty nice feeling being settled. I think that's why I feel so driven to go through everything, its just habit. (There's nothing worse than moving stuff you do need or love.)

I was helping my friend Lisa purge and organize last week, and we came across this little guy, proudly displayed above her enclosed porch sliding door. (Lisa has a similar situation, bought her home not too long ago, and inherited various treasures, like I posted about here.)

I did find time to give him a quick little makeover.

 the original


new key lime outfit

I selected this key lime color to coordinate with some new key lime kid chairs that she picked up for her children's play space. She doesn't know that I had plans to paint this guy, so I am excited to see her reaction. She was ready to toss him in the trash.

If  tackling your own spring cleaning tasks seem daunting or you just need a little break, try this old fashion bread recipe. The kneading process provides some great stress relief and provides a loaf of yummy bread.

What are you tackling this week?

Linked up to PowerofPaint, ThrifyDecorChick


  1. We have been in the back yard all week getting it ready for our daughter's graduation party. At least we had pretty weather!

  2. I need to go back and re read your post
    on the person who wanted to toss the
    eagle plaque?? Is that not allowed, sorta
    like the
    Love your painting it!
    Thanks for your visit to my blog today
    and I'm following you now....

  3. Love your blog... new follower, so glad you came to my blog to visit as well.. looking forward to getting to know you better..
    Lovely place you have here =)

    Thanks again so stopping by


  4. Hi Laura: It sure makes you feel good to get rid of things that you no longer use or need. The little eagle will be a bright spot in your friend's room. I'm sure she will love it..Happy Monday..Judy

  5. I am getting ready to purge! My post tomorrow is about my hoarding tendencies! Ugh.

  6. He is sorta cute. Would be adorable on the fireplace for a 4th of July Mantle.. Now I want my own little eagle!

  7. Thanks for posting on my blog. Of course I had to check out yours too. I like the lime green, I hope to accent in that color when we eventually finish off our basement and turn it into a play room.

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's amazing what a coat of paint will do for things :) I followed you via GFC.

  9. Spray paint is a miracle worker. It is transforming my front porch accessories right now. I am in the process of painting the exterior of my house...myself! Okay, I may have hired a couple of guys to get high up on a ladder for me, but it's mostly me. ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also have an ongoing to-do list of our house. I am on a mission to work through it this year!

  10. I love the spray paint color, what is it?


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