
Thursday, May 24, 2012


I apologize for my lack of recent posts. It's so hard to be inside when it's so beautiful outside. The weather has been great and I've been busy springing cleaning inside and plotting a little bit for the outside projects this year.

I have {many} rhododendron bushes in my yard, and right now they are in full bloom. Their fragrance perfumes my entire yard. It's pretty heavenly. The blooms won't last too much longer, which is why I try to enjoy them while they last. I've kept a constant supply of blooms in vases inside the houses too.

As far a plants go, they are quite easy. These perennials are easily recognized by their white, purple, or pink blooms and their large oval leaves and are relatively low maintenance. I didn't even touch them last year. Mine are quite large, and will need some severe pruning this year. According to my local nursery, it's probably best to do it in stages over the next few years.

Right now they provide great privacy along my back and side yards.

What beauty do you have blooming around your space at this time of year?


  1. i love rhodys! That's one plant i definitely miss from when we lived in Oregon. Now, I'm just looking at kudzu and hydrangeas.

  2. Those are just gorgeous!!! Actually, my husband and I are wanting to plant one or two of those in our garden.

  3. Laura those are gorgeous! I wish I had some and I think I'll put them on my list for next year! No one could blame you for wanting to be outside these days!

  4. What a heaven;y backyard. The flowers are so beatiful!


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