
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

story telling

I think photography should convey a story. . .

Taking pictures of my kids is one of my favorite things to do. And even though I am still learning, I try to capture those candid moments that express them in the moment.

Funny how I can remember each one of these specific moments and why I treasure them.

What is your favorite way to tell a story?

Linking up to SerenityNow


  1. Fantastic photos Laura! You really have a talented eye for catching a moment worth a thousand words...thanks for sharing!

  2. Laura: Those are the most beautiful and charming photos. Your kids are perfect. My special one is of the two eating their cereal and reading the box. My son would eat cereal always, that's all he wanted. He would read the box and hum to himself, never missing a mouthful. I don't have any pictures of him doing that and I really regret it..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  3.! those faces are hysterical! what wonderful photography!

  4. I love these pictures. They capture real life in action. It makes me realize I haven't taken near enough pictures of my kids. Have a great day.

  5. Laura, those photos are priceless! Such emotion. I love the Cheerios picture!!!

  6. These are great... love the Honey Nut Cheerios one. :)


  7. Sorry for my english.. I'm from Québec! My first langage is french.. :S But I like the little boy who cry! :)

  8. Love these pics :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me over - I'm your newest follower. Hope you stop by my blog again sometime :)

  9. Hey Laura! I love this post! I couldn't agree more about the ..telling a story. I actually tell all my clients that when we discuss an upcoming shoot! :) I am just now getting back to you from when you left a sweet comment on Dress Up Party post. :) Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed! I am your newest follower! ♥

  10. Definitely through pictures too! I have thousands (literally) on my computer...and I too remember so many details about the day/the moment when I see them. ~Zuni


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