
about me

Welcome to the place where cookiecrumbs and sawdust meet family life.

Hi! My name is Laura -the maker of the cookies, and cleaner of the crumbs. I like to bake, cook, craft, and raise our little ones.

A white-collar corporate guy by day/handyman extraordinaire by night {and weekends}. His favorite room in the house is the garage where he likes to build stuff, organize his tools, and make lots of sawdust. (He also likes our kids too.)

I grew up in upstate New York, Handyman grew up in Washington state. We meet in Indiana, where it was love at first sight third date. We've lived in Indiana, Texas, and Massachusetts. Collectively, we have family in Chicago, Nashville, Las Vegas, Salt Lake, New York, California, Washington, Idaho, and Kentucky.

Join us as we take baby steps to update, renovate, and decorate our little yellow cape, ultimately transforming it into our home.

The best way to keep up with our baby steps is get emails sent right to your inbox. All you have to do is enter your email address to the right. You can unsubscribe at anytime.

Thanks for joining me for the journey!

You can reach me at cookiecrumbsandsawdust at gmail dot com


  1. Laura - Thanks so much for letting me know about your blog. You've done a really great job, and I love how your write so honestly! I've officially started following you on BlogLovin' :)

  2. Laura...I love the name of your blog. So cute! And I can't wait to try the strawberry muffins. I always like to make batches of muffins randomly & freeze them to have when we have guests staying with us. It's such an easy breakfast spread! <3 Heidi Rew from PartiesforPennies

  3. I've enjoyed poking around on your blog today. Love your house. Our first home was a cape and we really miss it.

    Thanks for introducing yourself on my blog, I have enjoyed getting to know you just a little bit here. I look forward to seeing the progress on your renovations.

  4. just found your blog - love it! new follower


  5. Laura,
    Thanks for visiting my blog today! It is nice to meet you and see your incredible home and family. I am your newest GFC follower :)


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