
Monday, June 11, 2012

popping corn

I'm so happy that summer is finally here and that I'm no longer just dreaming of it. One of our favorite things to do as a family is hang out in our backyard. Handyman builds a fire and we all pull up a chair and enjoy the flickering flames.

This season our favorite outdoor treat is popcorn.

Popping corn is easy and you only a few things before you are munching away on a hot and yummy handful.

You will need:
  • a hot {but not roaring} fire
  • popcorn kernels
  • cooking oil
  • skillet with a cover (we use our indestructible, seasoned cast iron skillet)
  • gloves
1) Place about 1/4 cup kernels and a 1 tablespoon of oil in your skillet (these portions are adjustable)
2) Place your skillet directly on your fire.
3) Once your hear the first pop, feel free to give your skillet some shakes as the the kernels pop away.
4) Season to taste -we like freshly ground sea salt

The skillet gets very hot, so don't forget your gloves. We often just grab our work gloves because they are nearby, but certainly an oven glove works just as well.

By spending time with my family, I hope to create some great family memories for my children, like the ones my mom records in this journal I made her a while back. I get to read a little bit more each time we go to visit. It's so fun learning about her favorite childhood memories.

Have you ever made popcorn over a fire? What's your favorite backyard activity? Or how do you perserve those sweet family history stories?


  1. Nothing beats popcorn the old fashioned way! When we were kids, we used to have an old long-handled popcorn pan, made for making popcorn in a fireplace. I remember sitting around in our PJ's while my dad made popcorn in the fireplace! Thanks for sharing and thanks for bringing back that memory!

  2. Great idea! Outdoor popcorn yum! Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to check out your blog. I'm your newest follower!

  3. What fun! My dad used to pop corn for us in the fireplace.

  4. Tried to follow you on pinterest but it took me to a 404 page. Not sure if it's your button or pinterest that's not working.

  5. I don't know what I did but my first comment didn't show up, I'm having back luck today. Anyway I said that your popcorn idea sounds yummy and I love your header. I want to take a bite out of it, lol.

  6. Ahhh...this brings back sooooo many wonderful memories from my childhood.


  7. Hi Laura,
    Thanks so much for stopping over to the blog the other day! I love this idea of popping corn outside! We always have a fire in the summer and usually have s'mores with it, but never thought of popcorn! Definitely going to have to add it to the list!

    Thanks again for stopping by, you have a really cute blog!


  8. Never made it over a fire but I am a popcorn lover. When I saw your popcorn picture I just HAD to click on it :)

    Now I am craving popcorn...

  9. That is good stuff right there! Love it. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party.

  10. We love sitting outdoors by the fire ring, so thanks for this great idea to go with it! Visting from Cozy Home Scenes BBQ party! Pam

  11. What fun! We used to cook popcorn in a pan on the stove when I was young. I never thought about doing it on the grill, but I bet that's just as fun and would be great for camping. Thanks for joining me at the Grill, BBQ, And Picnic Party!

  12. Love popcorn! I'm sure your cast iron skillet does a great job over the fire:@)

  13. I love fresh popcorn not microwave. How fun to do it over the fire.
    Visiting from Debbie Doos.

    Katie-Let's Add Sprinkles

  14. This sounds like a great thing to do with the kids this summer. Thank you! I'd love for you to share this recipe with my readers at Fantastic Thursday. Hope to see you there

  15. This makes me long for the days before microwave popcorn when mom would make popcorn on the stove. In the summer we mainly spend time time dodging mosquitos! Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It Tuesday! Hope to see you next week.

  16. Yum! What a fun idea. I love popcorn and my kids think fires are so cool (hopefully in a non-pyro way). :)

  17. Laura,
    I haven't made popcorn over a fire in forever! We got one of those chimneys for my husband a few years ago and in the summer we light it and make s'mores out back. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next week. Have a wonderful weekend.


  18. Laura,
    SO FUN! I love cooking outdoors as a family, even if we can't go camping we love to 'campout' in the backyard. This is a easy, fun recipe! Thanks for sharing on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes this weekend!
    If you're interested, we would love to invite you to also link this up to the Summer Activities for Toddlers Collection! Here's a quick link:
    Have a great week and hope to see you again next weekend! :)

  19. I am a popcorn "addict" but have never tried this. I must admit...the microwave has spoiled me I can have my favorite snack in 3 minutes!


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