
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

practical home accessories

The experts always say shop your home before shopping retail. This is a good suggestion. Except when there's isn't much inventory left in your home.

A few years ago, we started moving around. In preparation for our nomad ways, we really pared down. But now that we're feeling a bit more settled, there's a few practical accessories that I would like in my home . . .

A Clock
I don't own a single clock. Granted, I'm never without the time thanks to surrounding technology, but as a stand alone time piece, I'm clock-less.

A Telephone
For years we didn't have a land line. We have one again, and it's probably time we got a house phone.

I would love to have a set of binoculars handy. So many beautiful birds perch right in my own backyard and the surrounding trees. I would love a closer look.

A Firewood Basket
We use our wood burning fireplace pretty regularly. This would be a pretty permanent addition to that area.

An Outdoor Rug
My front porch is feeling a little bare. It would be nice to sneak a small rug under the bench I have there already.

Does your home have any great finds or need just a few prettier practical touches? Share. . .


  1. All great pieces that will get a lot of use no matter where you live. We pared down a ton last year as well, and I am so thankful. Life is so much easier with less stuff!

  2. I hope you get every one of those!! (Love that rug!) I understand about pairing down...our first house was 4,000sq.ft, with two kitchens. 20 years later...1000sq.ft. with not enough storage! I have some binoculars in a pretty little basket by my back door so I can watch my birds.

  3. I don't own a clock either! Well, unless you count the microwave which is usually set to 12 ;)

  4. Thanks for the invite! What a fun site!
    P.S. LOVE that clock! You should definitely invest in at least ONE! :)

  5. I need a clock and the binoculars for sure! my kids would love to see the birds and other animals on the back wooden area of our home!


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