
Monday, April 16, 2012

marathon monday

It's Patriot's Day here in New England. And probably the best weekend of the year! If you have ever thought of visiting Boston, this is the weekend to do it.

You can check out the schedule of events here.

And if you are in the area, you absolutely have to go watch the marathon. It is truly inspiring. In the words of my friend Deidre,

"This is an awesome event--even if you have never run a mile in your life. I would encourage those who will only be in New England for a short time to be sure NOT to miss this."

I mean, c'mon. Check out this guy! If that's not inspiring, I don't know what is!

And speaking writing of marathons, my family room renovation is a marathon.

Have you ever attended the Boston Marathon?
Any marathon renovations going on at your place?

Linked fav photo


  1. Hi Laura, I was sitting here at work when I received an email stating that you had left a comment on my blog. So I thought I'd pop by here. Let me tell you that baby boy is a serious cutie pie. Those sweet eyes. I'd let him detract me from remodeling too! I am new to blogging and it looks like you are even newer than myself. I will follow you and will try to pop by often. Best wishes....Roxanne

  2. Ive love Boston but haven't been during a marathon. I would love to though. That photo is very inspiring.

    1. It would definitely qualify on a Bucket List.

  3. I've never seen a marathon other than on the telly. Not many of them around here, there is only one in Stockholm as far as I know.
    Oh yes, that guy IS inspiring. Amazing!!

  4. For almost 8 years, I worked in an office that was alongside the marathon route. Such an amazing thing to see!


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