
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

how to paint a fireplace surround

I've been wanting to do something to our tired looking fireplace surround. Many a time, I've suggested we paint it, but my husband insists that he doesn't like the look of painted brick. (Although, ours is a ceramic like brick.) He's not opposed to changing it. He just doesn't want to paint it.

So, we've done nothing. And since we've been busy with other projects, it just sits there. Looking sad.

We'll, after rearranging it around for the spring fling party, posted here, I've decided to do something about it. If we want to change it anyway, there's no harm in a temporary paint fix, right? (That's what I told myself.) Turns out, he doesn't want to do anything to it. I'm welcome to do whatever I want.

But first, I had to figure out how to go about it. Especially since we use our fireplace. A lot.

I found this article from RealSimple

And of course, there's this article from Young House Love

I also found this article from the New Homemaker

Now, I just have to get busy actually doing it.

Anybody else have fireplace surround painting experience?

1 comment:

  1. Me and my husband are in the same boat. We've been staring at our somewhat ugly fireplace since we moved in, but still aren't sure if we're ready to commit to changing it. The desire is there, but I'm not so sure of my skill level on a task like that.....

    Anyways, your blog is great and I am now following you via GFC.

    Shelby (The Bean Sprout Notes)


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